The impact of a spinal mobilisation intervention on common movement patterns and biochemical markers in MS patients

Edinburgh Napier University

Past award

Student: Rebecca Hamilton

Year Award Started: 2015

MS is a prevalent disease in Scotland with some 10000 sufferers, but treatment options are limited and often only partially effective (Gourraud et al., 2012). MS is known to influence quality of life, but little has been reported in the scientific literature with respect to relationships between exercise interventions and health. There is a need for effective assessment of therapeutic strategies which could have a long term impact on quality of life in MS sufferers (Saxton et al., 2013). Aim: to investigate the efficacy of a physiotherapy intervention on gait, balance, muscular strength and biochemical markers. Participants’ walking ability, mobility, balance, and muscular strength will be measured using a 3-D motion capture system, force plates and dynamometer. Blood samples to determine baseline biochemical parameters will be taken. Questionnaires will be administered to determine quality of life, fatigue and pain levels. It is hypothesised that there will be a significant difference between groups; the intervention group achieving a significantly positive effect on walking speed, limb variability, angle-angle effect, sway, muscular strength, fatigue, pain and an improvement in the psychological factors associated with MS, as well as a significant difference found in level of biochemical markers as a consequence of the intervention.

Research area: Neurological conditions (including stroke)


Dr Susan Brown
School of Life, Sport and Social Sciences
Dr Claire Garden
School of Life, Sport and Social Sciences

Point One Clinic Ltd